Posts Tagged ‘mompreneurs’

Jolly Roger is Here!

April 28, 2010

It was AWCP Bazaar again and the Babinski Mamas were dead tired. You see, when we have bazaars, we don’t have personal service crew and contractors with us. So if our co-bazaristas have scaffolds and high-tech lighting, we have wire-mesh with detachable wheels that we got from Divisoria, our Mecca, and a table lamp with a giant clamp. If our co-bazaristas have a team of three or four men carrying their goods, we have the three of us ladies to carry ours. And that means HEAVY and wa-poise. But then, who cares… we need this exercise once in a while. It keeps our feet on the ground and reminds us to be humble at all times.

So while Babinski Mamas Aimee and Charlene were in the booth with mommy customers, I was busy taking pictures of our new polo shirts for boys so I could post it on the website. Believe me, I’ve been attempting to do this for days, but the kids have a built-in sensor that if I am about to work they would ask me to read them a story or cuddle with them under the blanket, which is of course – irresistible.

I was taking the pictures in one corner near the a/c, on the cement floor which by the way made the fabrics looked cooler and rugged. No time for studio pictorials for our products, (plus there are two frugal moms in the group, sssshhhh). My Ate, my biggest critic, would tell me to iron the stuff that I post in the site, but I’d always reply with a, “Forget  it. My fifteen minutes is rare and precious…” So if you see folds and creases and strands of thread in our photos, blame no one else but me.

For this edition’s polo for boys, we choose something funkyish-babyish-boyish-rockstarish. Here comes Jolly Roger!

Babinski Mama Mae

First Post: Welcome, Babinski…

April 21, 2010

This is our first Word Press post and we’re still in the process of migrating all our previous blog entries. Too much work for a stay-at-home mom! It’s just that there’s so much to say goodbye to… and goodbyes make me sad 😦

It feels weird to be writing here, it’s like transferring to a new home where you feel like you have to start all over again without your familiar resources like the plumber, baker, grocer…  So we are still a newbie here and in the process of navigating the site if it is user-friendly, or mommy-with-a-baby-on-one-hand-and-keyboard-on-the-other friendly.

So for our first post…

We got an invite from Janice of Mommy Matters for the first Mompreneur Manila Meet-Up. So yesterday, together with our friends Indigo Baby, Pinoy Baby and other mommies, we had a seminar with Mommy Mundo (Mommy Matters) and learned that Mompreneurs would rule in 2011 (!) so don’t underestimate that Mama Bear! Just to sum up the four-hour seminar, as the equation goes,  it’s all about: your passion + advocacy + time management = successful mompreneur. And you can do all of it while in your pajamas!

There’s money in your passion, yes. But make sure to find your purpose in this world and also what you can give back to the world.

– Babinski Mamas